The Evolution of our 92 Jeep Wrangler YJ – AKA Our Cheap Jeep

I see people spending 100k on Jeeps and that is fine – hope they enjoy them. We aren’t those people, we like toys but we like CHEAP ONES!!! Say hello to our little Cheap Jeep!

We actually found this 92 Jeep Wrangler YJ at a Mom and Pop used car lot in the city where we live. It had the cover inside it was covered in mud. It had been sitting on the lot for quite a while – it was on cosignment.

We actually thought it had some rust on it but when we saw it was a 6 cylinder automatic, we jumped on it. We figured we could fix most of it.

We offered them $2,500 and they took it. We couldn’t believe it. I drove it home and that was the scariest drive of my life. Everything was wobbly and I am still amazed I had no issues. The first thing we did was clean it up. It had dog boxes in the back for some reason and once we pulled those out and pulled the cover out we realized they’re really wasn’t any rust at all!

The whole entire side inside had been rhino lined which was amazing. Somebody had done a lot of really bad wiring so we started cleaning that up and making sure it ran. The first year we worked on mechanical. We fixed / added….

  • Master Cyliner
  • New Brakes
  • New Tires

The engine was leaking oil so we took it into a shop for that because we don’t have a lift. That cost us about $1,000. I think overall after three years we have a total of $6,000 in in. But it starts and drives every time! We have taken this Jeep as far as two hours away for weekend trips – not on a dolly – we DROVE it!

Our big fix was the hood and the front fenders. Something had bent them. We’re not even sure what, but there’s a huge gap between it and it was very obvious when you were next to it.

We couldn’t find replacements. We couldn’t bend them back out so we ended up finding aftermarket fenders to put onto the Jeep. It was not easy. It took probably a full day, maybe day and a half to get both of them on.

We took all the side molding off and just to be cheap we use tape to cover the holes nobody’s ever noticed and it’s been there for 3 years now. We occasionally take the doors off and we use the side mirrors for that.

After the first time we took it off road, we ended up buying new seats for it. The old ones were really bad and considering this thing doesn’t have very good shocks and struts on it and we needed the seats.

We ended up keeping the back open and eventually just putting a pelican case in it that we found for 50 bucks at those gun show. Added a new stereo sound bar, some KC lights on the front and that’s about it.

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